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Radon Mitigation
Radon Testing
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Radon Abatement
Radon Mitigation System

Before and After Pictures from Kalamazoo County
Radon Mitigation in Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Radon Mitigation in Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Before After
Radon Mitigation in Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Radon Mitigation in Kalamazoo, MI 49007

This job details a successful radon mitigation project completed for a storefront building in downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan. The client, John from Plaza Corp., expressed concern about elevated radon levels in the basement, where their jewelers primarily worked.

Pre-radon testing revealed levels of 5.4 pCi/L in the basement area, exceeding the EPA's recommended action level of 4.0 pCi/L. Since the jeweler's employees spent significant time in the basement, mitigating the radon gas was a top priority.

While challenging, ALS Radon and Environmental successfully completed the project with the help of additional contractors.

A post-radon test is currently underway to confirm successful mitigation. We will provide Plaza Corp. with the results once available.

This project exemplifies our commitment to collaborating with clients and utilizing expertise to achieve optimal radon mitigation solutions. Contact us today if you suspect elevated radon levels in your commercial property. We can help create a safe and healthy work environment for your employees.


Radon Mitigation Installation Scotts, MI 49088

Radon Mitigation Installation Scotts, MI 49088

Before After
Radon Mitigation Installation Scotts, MI 49088 Radon Mitigation Installation Scotts, MI 49088

ALS Property Associates installed a radon gas mitigation system on a residential property in Scotts, MI. The radon system was run from the basement to the garage. Schedule 40 piping was then run to the above attic. The radon fan was installed in the garage attic and vented through the roof.

Radon Reduction System Portage, MI 49002

Radon Reduction System Portage, MI 49002

Before After
Radon Reduction System Portage, MI 49002 Radon Reduction System Portage, MI 49002

ALS Property Associates completed a radon reduction system at a residential property in Portage, MI. A sub-slab depressurization system was installed. The radon system was run with schedule 40 piping. The radon fan was installed on the side exterior of the home and vented above the roof line. An aesthetic cover was installed over the fan to provide a better exterior appearance for the home.

Radon Contractor in Kalamazoo County, MI

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Your trusted contractor for radon testing, radon mitigation, & other indoor air quality services in Kalamazoo County, MI

Radon is an odorless and invisible gas which is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and has been found throughout the country, including Kalamazoo County. The only way to tell if you have radon in your home is with professional radon testing. Luckily, ALS Radon & Environmental, Inc can help.

As a member of National Radon Defense, we can test your home and identify if your home has a dangerous level of radon. If your home does have an elevated radon level then we can help by installing a radon mitigation system. Our tried and tested mitigation systems pull radon outside your home and can reduce even the highest radon levels back to a safe level. We also offer other indoor air quality services for removing contaminants like particles, allergens, chemical pollutants, and more.

Contact us today and schedule your free estimate for any of our services in Kalamazoo County, MI!

Our services & products:

  • Radon testing
  • Radon mitigation
  • Indoor air cleaners
  • Commercial radon services
  • HUD Multi-Family Radon Policy Mitigation
  • Breathe EZ UVC Light
  • Energy Recovery Ventilator
  • Breathe EZ Air Cleaner
  • Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
  • And More!
Job Stories From Kalamazoo County, MI
Radon Mitigation - Kalamazoo, MI

Stacey C bought her entire family radon test kits for Christmas. She had read about the dangers of radon and wanted to be sure her immediate families were safe. When all the tests came back, she found that here  own radon levels were elevated to 19 Pico Curies. After a second follow up test that came back at 17 Pico Curies she decided to mitigate. 

We met with the Stacey and designed a radon sub-depressurization system that we felt would significantly lower the radon levels in the home. This included multiple suction points in the basement along with the concrete floor crawlspace. We also included an interior aesthetic package and ran the schedule 40 piping to the garage, up to the attic and out of the roof. With the fan in the attic and discharge pipe through the roof, the entire system is out of site from the exterior. This system also came with an extended 10-year warranty.  

ALS Property Associates, Inc. was happy to help her with this project and feel confident we have lowered the Radon levels significantly in the home. We will follow up on this story once a post Radon test has been completed by the homeowner. 

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Mold Remediation and Indoor Air Quality Improvements

Michelle reached out to us in an emergency because she had visible mold located in her finished basement. Members of their family were beginning to show side effects that seemed to be linked to possible mold toxicity. There had been a previous leak from the water softener in the utility room which drained into an adjacent finished room causing mold to grow on the drywall, trim, and carpet. This room was right below her daughter’s bedroom who was beginning to show symptoms. 

ALS Property Associates was on the job and ready to help. Upon inspection, we found visible mold growth on the backside of the drywall. Though parts of the trim had water stained, the mold was not showing on the front of the drywall and was hidden from plain sight. We proceeded to build containment around the utility room and the adjacent room with the mold issues. Once the containment was built and sealed off, we created negative pressure, ducting air from the work areas to the outdoors using a HEPA filtered negative air machine. Our team proceeded to remove the affected drywall, carpet, and some of the wet insulation. Following removal, we proceeded and vacuumed all extracted areas, walls, ceilings, floors, and flat surfaces located throughout the contained areas using Nikro HEPA filtered vacuums. After all of the HEPA vacuuming was completed, our team wet wiped all walls, floors, ceilings, and flat surfaces with a hospital grade antimicrobial disinfectant using microfiber towels. The same protocols were used in the daughter's bedroom above the utility room. After removing drywall, cleaning, and wet wiping our team fogged the contained work areas along with the entire basement and areas of the main level with Concrobium Mold Control to eliminate additional mold spores and help prevent future microbial growth. Our last step in the remediation process was to run (4) HEPA filtered air scrubbers for approximately 12-24 hours scrubbing the air of particulates and improving the overall air quality of the home. 

Once the remediation was completed the family began to improve and the mold induced side effects began to subside. Michelle also wanted to improve her indoor air quality of the family’s newer built home. We ended up installing a Breathe EZ Air Filter in her furnace along with an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV). The ERV brings in fresh air which is filtered and conditioned and takes stale air outdoors. We set the energy recovery ventilator to a slight positive pressure to also help lower the radon levels which were also slightly elevated. Along with the slight positive pressure, we installed a radon fan in the attic to the already installed pass through radon system that was installed with the home. We are waiting for follow up radon and mold testing but believe we successfully lowered both the mold and radon levels throughout the home to our even below outdoor levels. 

Radon Mitigation with Interior Aesthetic Package

We met Travis at a home he was working on purchasing. After the elevated radon levels were detected he felt it was important to have a radon reduction system installed. Aesthetics were a factor for Travis and he really didn’t want the fan to be visible from the exterior of the home.


Once the sale of the home was finalized we had the opportunity to install the radon reduction system. Our team was able to put the suction point of the radon reduction system inconspicuously in the corner of the basement. We ran the schedule 40 PVC piping from the suction point around the existing gas and electrical lines and out to the garage. The piping was then professionally ran through the wood shelving up to the upper portion of the garage almost hiding the pipe from view.  All of the shelves are still usable and can be moved as needed. We then installed the low voltage radon reduction fan above the attic line and vented it straight through the garage roof. The visible area of the system is the PVC vent extending through the side portion of the roof.


Our team was happy to help Travis and proud of the excellent workmanship completed at his newly purchased home.

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Combination Radon Mitigation

Lorri K reached out to ALS Property Associates, Inc because her home tested high for radon. Doug met with Lorri to inspect her home and help develop an action plan to properly mitigate the radon issue in her home.

The home had a small Michigan Basement along with a large dirt floor crawlspace. This crawlspace was under the living area, master bathroom, and bedroom. The radon levels were also reading double digits in the living room on the main floor. Doug and Lorri worked together to design a mitigation system that would efficiently improve the radon levels in the home.

ALS Property Associates installed drainage matting along with 20 MIL Clean Space Vapor barrier throughout the entire crawlspace. The vapor barrier was properly sealed up the foundation walls to help make the barrier airtight. They then created an extraction point in the main slab and connected both the vapor barrier and the basement slab to on exterior radon fan. This created negative pressure under both the basement and the barrier located in the crawlspace safely venting the radon gas up and away from the home. This system was also installed with an exterior aesthetic system for looks and a fan moisture guard (10-year warranty). ALS also installed a Breathe EZ Air filter in the HVAC to filter radon decay products along with other indoor air particulates. Following the installation of the mitigation system, the radon levels have dropped dramatically under the EPA action level and the indoor air quality greatly improved.

Radon Sump Depressurization in Schoolcraft, MI

Collette R found ALS Property Associates, Inc. online. After looking through their website, she decided to have them out as they looked like the right fit. Doug Smith from ALS met Collette and completed a thorough inspection of her home. Through discussion, Collette advised she was concerned with the overall indoor air quality of their home. Due to Covid, the family was spending a lot more time in their home. Doug and Collette sat down together and designed a radon system that met all the family’s needs along with a few indoor air quality products.

The ALS team showed up and professionally installed a complete mitigation system. They used the newly installed sump-pump and water drainage system as the radon extraction point. The schedule 40 pvc piping was ran to the front side corner to an exterior Radon fan. The radon pipe was run along the corner of the home along a gutter and completely hidden from a large tree located on the front corner of the home. The crew also installed a Breathe EZ Air Cleaner along with a Breathe EZ UVC light to improve the indoor air quality of the home.

Collette was happy with the project and relieved her radon levels were significantly lowered. She could also sleep better knowing the Breathe EZ products would filter and prevent mold growth and viruses within the HVAC system creating cleaner breathing air for the entire home.


Radon Sump Depressurization in Schoolcraft, MI - Photo 1Radon Sump Depressurization in Schoolcraft, MI - Photo 2
Radon Removal in Kalamazoo Michigan

Dean B. called ALS Property Associates after an elevated radon test. He was referred to ALS Property Associates from a neighbor who had recently had her radon levels successfully reduced. Dean decided to have Doug from ALS do some additional radon testing with a continuous radon monitor to confirm what his short-term charcoal test he had complete prior. The continuous monitor confirmed that Dean's levels were a bit elevated and he decided to have ALS Property Associates, Inc install the radon reduction system. (Radon Mitigation) 

The system design included drain tile and two sump pits. The ALS team installed radon sealed covers over the sump pump pits and tied into the existing drain tile located under the slab. As Dean requested the team routed the schedule 40 PVC pipe to the West Side of the home to the Legend Low Voltage exterior radon fan, then vented safely above the roof.

Dean was happy with the finished product and shocked at how much lower the radon levels were reduced in his home. The ALS Team is happy with the results and always put the health of their clients first. Their goal is to lower the radon levels as much as possible to lower the risk of developing lung cancer. 

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Radon Removal with Exterior Aesthetic Package in Portage, MI

Erica S. called ALS Property Associates, Inc after completing an over the counter charcoal radon test in her basement. Her radon levels were quite elevated and she wanted to proceed with installation of a radon reduction system. After meeting with Doug at her home she decided to move forward with the project. Doug did a good job of designing an efficient system and covering all of the details. 

The ALS team proceeded with the installation of the radon system. There is a sump pit with drain tile was ran around the entire basement under the slab and along the footing. ALS was able to depressurize the existing drain tile system by installing the extraction point over the tile and properly sealing the sump pump pit. Erica was worried about cosmetics and wanted the system to have a fresh look on the outside. The team installed the interior aesthetic package which includes a cover over the radon reduction fan and venting the schedule 40 pvc pipe through the soffit and roof instead of around the gutter. She also had the team install the fan moisture guard  (Extended 10-year warranty) for piece of mind. 

The radon removal system (Radon Mitigation / Depressurization System) successfully reduced the radon throughout the home. Erica is happy with the finished product and now feels comfortable spending time in her basement. 

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Radon Reduction System Portage, MI 49008

Nataile a real estate agent found out after a home inspection the property she was selling had elevated radon levels above the epa standards. She needed a radon reduction system installed for her client and time was a factor for closing. She called ALS Property Associates and Bucky Block was able to come out that day to provide a free estimate. ALS Property Associates from there was able to install a sub-slab depressurization radon reduction system in time for closing on the property. The radon mitigation system was run with schedule 40 piping and vented above the roof line in the rear corner of the property as requested by the buyer. Nataile was very pleased with the timely response and the new homeowner now had safe radon levels.

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Kalamazoo Radon Reduction System

Tom reached out to ALS Property Associates, Inc. due to a recent elevated radon test. He did some research and decided this was the team he felt could best help him with his elevated radon levels. 


After reaching out to the ALS Property Associates team, he scheduled a radon inspection and proposal. After working with Doug from ALS he decided to use ALS for the radon mitigation project. 


Rob and Bucky were the production crew that installed the radon system. They both worked with Tom and made sure he was happy with placement and the look of the system as there was only one possible route. The team did a great job with the radon mitigation and as always cleaned up as if they were never there. Tom was happy with his new radon system and is happy the radon levels have been lowered to safer levels. 

Kalamazoo Radon Reduction System - Photo 1Kalamazoo Radon Reduction System - Photo 2
Radon Relief in Portage: A Faster Sale for a Satisfied Client

Why the Mitigation System?

Selling a home in Portage, Michigan, hit a snag for one homeowner – high radon levels. Radon gas, a naturally occurring health hazard, can significantly impact property value and discourage potential buyers.

Why ALS Radon & Environmental?

The homeowner sought a reliable solution and chose ALS Radon & Environmental for our expertise and personalized approach. We take the time to understand each client's unique situation and design a customized mitigation plan.

The Culprit: Radon Gas Intrusion

Our thorough inspection identified the culprit – radon gas seeping into the home through cracks in the foundation and potentially the sump pump pit, a common entry point if left unaddressed.

The Solution: A Multi-Layered Approach

To address these concerns, we implemented a comprehensive mitigation system:

  • Meticulous Crack and Penetration Sealing: We meticulously sealed any cracks or openings in the foundation, preventing future radon gas intrusion.
  • Strategic Pipe Placement: The radon pipe was strategically installed throughout the basement or crawlspace for optimal system function.
  • Powerful Radon Fan Installation: A powerful yet energy-efficient radon fan was strategically placed to continuously draw radon gas from beneath the foundation and vent it safely outside the home.
  • Manometer Monitoring: A strategically placed manometer provided a visual indication of the suction power, allowing for ongoing monitoring and system optimization.

What Made This Unique?

This project highlights the importance of a thorough inspection. While foundation cracks are a common source of radon, addressing the potential issue of the sump pump pit demonstrates ALS Radon & Environmental's commitment to comprehensive solutions.

Client Satisfaction Speaks Volumes

The homeowner's satisfaction speaks volumes about our service. With a radon-free home, they can now confidently move forward with a faster sale, breathing easy throughout the process.

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Eradicating a Silent Threat: A Radon Mitigation installation in Richland, MI

1. Why They Needed a Radon Mitigation System:

A health-conscious homeowner in Richland, Michigan, suspected potential radon concerns in their basement. Radon gas is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that can seep into homes through cracks and foundation openings. Long-term exposure to elevated radon levels increases the risk of lung cancer. Testing likely revealed the presence of radon gas in the homeowner's basement, prompting the need for a mitigation system.

2. Why the Customer Chose ALS Radon & Environmental:

The homeowner prioritized a company known for meticulous care and personalized service. ALS Radon & Environmental impressed them with the following:

  • Free, No-Obligation Email Quote: This convenient service simplified the initial assessment process.
  • Prompt Response and Clear Communication: The company's quick response to inquiries and clear explanations fostered trust with the homeowner.
  • Reputation for Meticulous Process: The homeowner valued ALS Radon & Environmental's commitment to thorough inspections and customized solutions.

3. The Cause of the Problem:

The presence of radon gas in the surrounding soil and foundation was the root cause of the problem. Radon gas can migrate into basements through cracks, foundation imperfections, or openings around sump pumps (if present).

4. How We Fixed the Problem:

Our certified specialists implemented a comprehensive radon mitigation system tailored to the homeowner's specific needs, determined through a meticulous inspection. The system typically involves:

  • Manometer Monitoring: This process measures pressure levels within the home to identify the optimal location for radon extraction.
  • Strategic Pipe Placement: A network of pipes is strategically installed throughout the basement to effectively capture radon gas.
  • Powerful Radon Fan Installation: A high-performance radon fan is installed to efficiently remove radon from the home's environment and vent it safely outdoors.

5. Client's Feedback:

The homeowner expressed satisfaction with ALS Radon & Environmental's meticulous care and personalized approach. The clear communication throughout the process and the expertise demonstrated by the certified installers further solidified their positive experience. 

Eradicating a Silent Threat: A Radon Mitigation installation in Richland, MI - Photo 1
Protecting a Portage Family from Radon Gas

1. Why They Needed a Radon Mitigation System:

A homeowner in Portage, Michigan, prioritized their family's health and became concerned about potential radon exposure in their home. Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into homes through cracks and foundation openings. Long-term exposure to elevated radon levels increases the risk of lung cancer. Testing likely revealed the presence of radon gas in the homeowner's residence, prompting the need for a mitigation system.

2. Why the Customer Chose ALS Radon & Environmental:

The homeowner sought a reliable and transparent company with a proven track record in radon mitigation. ALS Radon & Environmental impressed them with several factors:

  • Free Consultation: The company offered a no-obligation consultation to discuss their concerns, answer questions, and explain the radon mitigation process.
  • Detailed Proposal: Following a thorough inspection of the home, ALS Radon & Environmental provided a detailed proposal outlining the recommended system, including specific steps involved and associated costs.
  • Expertise and Clear Communication: The homeowner felt confident in ALS Radon & Environmental's expertise and appreciated their commitment to clear communication throughout the process.

3. The Cause of the Problem:

The presence of radon gas in the surrounding soil and foundation was the root cause of the problem. Radon gas can migrate into basements through cracks, foundation imperfections, or openings around sump pumps (if present).

4. How We Fixed the Problem:

Our certified specialists implemented a comprehensive radon mitigation system tailored to the homeowner's specific needs, as identified during the inspection. The system typically involves:

  • Manometer Monitoring: This meticulous process measures pressure levels within the home to identify the optimal location for radon extraction.
  • Strategic Pipe Placement: A network of pipes is strategically installed throughout the basement to effectively capture radon gas.
  • Sump Pump Pit Integration (if applicable): For homes with existing sump pumps, our specialists seamlessly integrate the mitigation system to ensure continued functionality of both systems.
  • Powerful Radon Fan Installation: A high-performance radon fan is installed to efficiently remove radon from the home's environment and vent it safely outdoors.

5. What Made This Situation Unique:

This project focuses on our team's approach which are:

  • Client-Centered Approach: ALS Radon & Environmental prioritizes understanding the homeowner's concerns and tailoring the solution to their specific needs.
  • Emphasis on Transparency: From the initial consultation to the final installation, the company emphasizes clear communication, keeping the homeowner informed throughout the process.

6. Client's Feedback:

The homeowner felt a sense of relief knowing their family was now safe from elevated radon levels.

Protecting a Portage Family from Radon Gas - Photo 1
Restoring Peace of Mind: Safeguarding Kalamazoo Jeweler's Basement from Radon
A Breath of Fresh Air for Kalamazoo's Finest

Imagine a bustling jewelry store in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where skilled artisans meticulously craft exquisite pieces. Beneath the storefront, however, lurked a hidden threat – elevated radon gas levels in the basement workshop. This posed a health risk to the jewelers who spent a significant portion of their days there. Concerned about their employees' well-being, John of Plaza Corp, the store's owner, contacted us for a solution.

The Silent Threat: Understanding Radon Gas

Radon gas is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that can seep into buildings through cracks and foundation openings. While harmless at low levels, prolonged exposure to elevated radon concentrations increases the risk of lung cancer. Testing revealed a worrying level of 5.4 pCi/L in the jeweler's basement, exceeding the EPA's recommended action level of 4.0 pCi/L. Prompt action was necessary to safeguard the health of the employees.

Why Plaza Corp. Chose Us:

Plaza Corp. prioritized a company known for its expertise, meticulous approach, and ability to work collaboratively. We impressed them with:

  • Free Consultation: We offered a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss their concerns, answer questions, and explain the radon mitigation process.
  • Comprehensive Inspection: Our certified specialists conducted a thorough inspection of the basement to identify potential entry points for radon gas.
  • Detailed Proposal: Following the inspection, we provided a detailed proposal outlining the recommended mitigation system, including a clear breakdown of costs and the steps involved.
  • Collaborative Approach: We assured Plaza Corp. of open communication and collaboration throughout the project.

A Tailored Solution: Addressing the Problem at its Source

The unique layout of the storefront presented a challenge – minimizing disruption to the store's operations while effectively mitigating the radon gas in the basement. Our team devised a customized solution that addressed these concerns:

  1. Meticulous Manometer Monitoring: This initial step involved measuring pressure levels within the basement at various locations. This meticulous process ensured the optimal placement of the radon extraction point for maximum effectiveness.
  2. Strategic Extraction Point: Utilizing the data from the manometer monitoring, our specialists identified a single, strategically located extraction point within the basement.
  3. Concealed Pipe Placement: PVC piping was strategically routed from the designated extraction point, minimizing disruption to the store's operations. We ensured the pipes were discreetly concealed for a clean aesthetic.
  4. High-Performance Fan Installation: A powerful Radon Eagle Extreme Radon Fan was installed in the garage to efficiently remove radon gas from the building.
  5. Safe Roof Venting: The radon exhaust vented safely through the roof, ensuring no re-entry into the building or the surrounding environment.

Verifying Success and Lasting Peace of Mind

Following the system's installation, a post-radon test confirmed the mitigation efforts were successful, bringing the radon levels well below the EPA's action level. This provided Plaza Corp. with the peace of mind of knowing their employees could now work in a healthy and safe environment.


Restoring Peace of Mind: Safeguarding Kalamazoo Jeweler's Basement from Radon - Photo 1
Restoring Peace of Mind: Paula Breathes Easy in Her Kalamazoo, MI Home

1. Why a Radon Mitigation System?

Imagine wanting to relax in your Kalamazoo home, but a hidden threat lurks beneath your feet. This was the reality for Paula, who contacted ALS Radon & Environmental after discovering elevated radon gas levels in her home. Radon, a naturally occurring gas, can seep into basements through cracks and foundations, posing a health risk over time. Testing confirmed levels exceeding safe limits, prompting the need for immediate action.

2. Why Paula Chose ALS Radon & Environmental:

Paula sought a company known for its expertise, clear communication, and commitment to a healthy living environment. She was impressed by:

  • Free Consultation: We offered a free consultation to discuss her concerns and answer all her questions about radon mitigation.
  • Detailed Inspection: Our certified inspectors conducted a thorough inspection to identify potential radon entry points.
  • Customized Solution: Based on the inspection results, we presented Paula with a detailed proposal outlining the recommended system, tailored specifically to her home's needs.

3. The Cause of the Problem:

Radon gas seeping through the foundation and cracks in the basement slab was the culprit. Left unaddressed, this could pose a health risk to Paula and her family.

4. How We Fixed the Problem:

Our team devised a customized sub-slab radon air mitigation system:

  • Strategic Placement and Performance Verification: Following installation, we used a specialized tool called a manometer to measure the system's effectiveness in drawing radon gas from beneath the slab. This ensured optimal performance and peace of mind.
  • Strategic Pipe Placement: Utilizing data from the inspection, our specialists identified a single, strategically located extraction point in the basement. PVC piping was then carefully routed throughout the basement to efficiently capture radon gas while minimizing disruption to Paula's living space.
  • Powerful Radon Fan Installation: A high-performance Radon Eagle Extreme Radon Fan was installed, efficiently removing radon gas from beneath the home and venting it safely outdoors.

5. What Made This Situation Unique?

  • Client-Centered Approach: ALS Radon & Environmental prioritizes understanding the homeowner's concerns and tailoring the solution to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Transparency Throughout the Process: From the initial consultation to the final installation, the company emphasizes clear communication, keeping the homeowner informed every step of the way.


Restoring Peace of Mind: Paula Breathes Easy in Her Kalamazoo, MI Home - Photo 1
Radon Relief in Richland, MI

Why the Mitigation System?

Selling a home in Richland, Michigan hit a snag for one homeowner – high radon levels. Radon gas, a naturally occurring health hazard, can significantly impact property value and discourage potential buyers.

Why ALS Radon & Environmental?

The homeowner sought a reliable and personalized solution, choosing ALS Radon & Environmental for our:

  • Expertise: Our team has extensive experience identifying and mitigating radon gas, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for future residents.
  • Personalized Approach: We take the time to understand each client's unique situation and design a customized mitigation plan, maximizing efficiency and minimizing disruption.

The Culprit: Unwanted Radon Guests

Our thorough inspection identified potential entry points for radon gas, including cracks in the foundation and the sump pump pit, a common culprit if left unaddressed.

The Solution: A Multi-Layered Defense

To address these concerns, we implemented a comprehensive mitigation system:

  • Meticulous Crack and Penetration Sealing: We meticulously sealed any cracks or openings in the foundation, preventing future radon gas intrusion.
  • Strategic Pipe Placement: The radon pipe was strategically installed throughout the basement or crawlspace for optimal radon removal.
  • Powerful Radon Fan Installation: A powerful yet energy-efficient radon fan was strategically placed to continuously draw radon gas from beneath the foundation and vent it safely outside the home.
  • Manometer Monitoring: A strategically placed manometer provided a visual indication of the suction power, allowing for ongoing monitoring and system optimization.

What Made This Unique?

This project highlights the importance of a personalized approach. While foundation cracks are a common source of radon, addressing the potential issue of the pipe placement demonstrates ALS Radon & Environmental's commitment to comprehensive solutions, ensuring long-term peace of mind for the homeowner.

Client Satisfaction Speaks Volumes

The homeowner's satisfaction speaks volumes about our service. With a radon-free home, they can now confidently move forward with a faster sale, knowing their property value has increased.

Radon Relief in Richland, MI - Photo 1
Radon Mitigation in Kalamazoo, Michigan

1. The Silent Threat: Elevated Radon Levels

Testing revealed elevated radon levels in the crawlspace of this Kalamazoo home, exceeding the EPA's recommended action limit. This prompted the need for a radon mitigation system to ensure a safe and healthy living environment.

2. Why ALS Radon & Environmental?

The homeowner prioritized the well-being of their family and sought a reliable company to address the radon issue. Several factors influenced their decision to choose ALS Radon & Environmental:

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team of certified radon mitigation specialists is highly experienced in identifying and resolving radon concerns. We prioritize clear communication and keep clients informed throughout the process.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that every home is unique. Our team takes a one-size-fits-one approach, designing a customized mitigation system to effectively address the specific needs of each situation.
  • Peace of Mind: Our commitment to quality and client satisfaction ensures families like this one can breathe easier, knowing their homes are safe and healthy.

3. The Source of the Problem: Radon Gas Entry

Radon gas originates in the soil and can enter homes through various pathways, including cracks or gaps in the foundation, crawlspaces, and slab foundations. These entry points allow radon to accumulate indoors, potentially reaching harmful levels if left unchecked.

4. A Tailored Solution: Addressing Radon at the Source

Our comprehensive approach addressed the radon issue at its source – the crawlspace. Here's how we tackled the problem:

  • Strategic Extraction Point: A strategically placed extraction point within the crawlspace acts like a mini-vacuum, capturing radon gas before it can enter living areas.
  • Crawlspace Encapsulation: We installed CleanSpace, a durable vapor barrier that acts as a protective suit for the crawlspace, significantly reducing radon gas entry from the soil.
  • Meticulous Sealing and Insulation: Following encapsulation, all cracks and openings were meticulously sealed to further prevent radon infiltration. Additionally, Silver Glo insulation installed in the crawlspace rim joists provided extra sealing and improved overall crawlspace insulation, potentially leading to better energy efficiency.
  • Exterior Radon Fan: Depending on the specific system design, an exterior radon fan with a system muffler and fan moisture guard (10-year warranty) might have been installed. This high-performance fan efficiently vents captured radon gas outside the home, while the muffler minimizes noise disruptions and the moisture guard protects the fan.
Radon Mitigation in Kalamazoo, Michigan - Photo 1
ALS Radon & Environmental Tackles Elevated Radon Levels in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Why Radon Mitigation Was Needed:

A homeowner in Kalamazoo, Michigan, discovered elevated radon levels in their home, exceeding the EPA's recommended action limit. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation, posing a serious health risk with prolonged exposure. To safeguard their family's well-being, the homeowner sought a professional solution to address the elevated radon levels.


Why They Chose ALS Radon & Environmental:

The homeowner chose ALS Radon & Environmental due to our reputation for expertise, reliability, and commitment to client satisfaction. Our team of certified radon mitigation professionals is dedicated to providing effective and lasting solutions.


Understanding the Problem:

Radon gas originates in the soil and can enter homes through various pathways, including cracks in the foundation, crawlspaces, and slab foundations. This can lead to radon accumulation indoors, posing health risks for occupants.


Our Solution: A Comprehensive Radon Mitigation System

To address the elevated radon levels, we installed a customized radon mitigation system utilizing sub-slab depressurization. This proven method effectively reduces radon levels by:

  • Creating a Negative Pressure Zone: A fan system draws radon gas from beneath the foundation and vents it safely outdoors.
  • Strategic Pipe Placement: Our experts carefully designed the pipe network to optimize radon gas capture.
  • Manometer Monitoring: A manometer was installed to continuously monitor the system's performance and ensure optimal radon removal.
  • Addressing Potential Entry Points: We sealed cracks and gaps, including the sump pump pit if necessary, to prevent radon re-entry.
  • Post-Mitigation Testing: A final radon test confirmed a significant reduction in radon levels, ensuring the system's effectiveness.

The Outcome: A Healthier Home

With the successful installation of the radon mitigation system, the homeowner can now enjoy a healthier and safer living environment for their family. This project demonstrates our commitment to providing effective and long-lasting solutions for our clients.


ALS Radon & Environmental Tackles Elevated Radon Levels in Kalamazoo, Michigan - Photo 1
Radon Mitigation in Vicksburg, Michigan

The Problem:

A homebuyer in Vicksburg was concerned about potential health risks associated with radon exposure. A radon test confirmed elevated radon levels in their new home, exceeding the EPA's recommended action level. Radon, a colorless and odorless gas, can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation, posing a serious health risk. The client was the buyer and wanted a quality job. 


This client bought a home with a pass-through radon system already installed. The issue was the extraction point was hidden behind drywall and not visible. No one was able to provide the plans to expose the radon pipe. The new homeowner wanted to play it safe and install a new radon mitigation system completely instead of activating a passive system that we couldn’t see. 


The Solution:


We installed the main extraction point under the basement stairs and ran the pipe to the garage. The fan was located in the attic of the garage and vented through the roof. You are not able to see this system from the exterior and is a good example of our interior aesthetic package. 

Radon Mitigation in Vicksburg, Michigan - Photo 1
Radon Mitigation in Vicksburg, MI 49097

Why they needed a radon mitigation system: The homeowner in Vicksburg, MI, discovered that their existing radon mitigation system required an upgrade to more effectively address elevated radon levels and reduce associated health risks.

Why the customer chose the company: They selected ALS Radon & Environmental, Inc. for our proven expertise and reliable track record in radon mitigation, ensuring they received a solution from a trusted and experienced provider.

What's causing the problem: The issue stemmed from the limitations of the existing passive radon system, which needed an active component to enhance its effectiveness in reducing radon concentrations.

How We Fixed the Problem (Mitigation Process):

Conducted a detailed inspection of the current radon system to assess its performance.

  • Installed a Festa Maverick radon fan, replacing the passive system's limitations.
  • Cut and adjusted the PVC pipe to integrate the new fan seamlessly into the existing setup.
  • Tested the system to ensure optimal performance and effective reduction of radon levels.


What's unique about this situation: The unique aspect of this job was the seamless integration of the new radon fan into an already-installed passive system, enhancing its effectiveness while maintaining minimal disruption to the homeowner's daily life.

Radon Mitigation in Vicksburg, MI 49097 - Photo 1
Serving the following Kalamazoo County, MI zip codes
Kalamazoo 49009, Kalamazoo 49006, Kalamazoo 49003, Kalamazoo 49007, Kalamazoo 49019, Kalamazoo 49004, Kalamazoo 49048, Kalamazoo 49008, Kalamazoo 49001, Kalamazoo 49005, Portage 49002, Portage 49081, Portage 49024, Oshtemo 49077, Comstock 49041, Scotts 49088, Vicksburg 49097, Fulton 49052, Galesburg 49053, Schoolcraft 49087, Augusta 49012, Richland 49083, Climax 49034, Nazareth 49074
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