Radon Gas Mitigation Photo Album: Radon Mitigation - Alto, MI
This is a good example of mitigation system installed in a newer built home. There was a drain tile system installed when the home was built that was tied up at the sump pump pit. We proceeded and sealed the sump crock with a cover and connected the radon mitigation system to the drain tile that was previously laid underneath the home. Along with this system is our interior aesthetic package with the piping ran to the garage attic and vented through the roof. With the radon fan located in the attic, the system is not visible from exterior of the home.
Radon Fan - Interior Aesthetic Package
Radon Fan located in the attic and vented through the roof
Radon Extraction Point
This radon extraction point is tied in with the drain tile located along the footing under the slab
Sealed Sump Pump Pit
We installed a radon cover over the crock and sealed it with silicone to prevent radon entry and make sure the system is completely sealed
Schedule PVC Vent Pipe
The is the pipe leading from the extraction point to the radon fan located in the attic over the garage