Serving Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids & All Surrounding Areas

Before & After

Radon Gas Mitigation Before & After Photos

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Radon Mitigation System Allegan, MI 49010

ALS Property Associates completed a residential radon gas removal in Allegan, MI. The radon system was a sub-slab depressurization that was run from the basement to the exterior side of the home. The radon fan was installed with schedule 40 piping and vented above the roof line.

Radon Gas Mitigation System Installation Benton Harbor, MI

ALS Radon & Environmental was called by a client looking for a radon company in Benton Harbor, MI that could install a radon mitigation system in a quick tie frame for a home buyer. ALS Radon & Environmental was able to meet their deadline and installed a new radon system. The property had drain tile under the slab that covered the entire basement which would work great for the radon system to remove radon gases. An extraction point was made above the drain tile and schedule 40 piping was installed. A radon away 260 was installed on the exterior to help move a lot of air while also being limiting the noise for the homeowner. The radon levels in this home went from 5 radon pCi/L down to .02 radon pCi/L after the installation.

Aesthetically Pleasing Radon Mitigation System in Wayland, Michigan

This photoshoot details an interior aesthetic radon system reduction system installed by our team. The schedule 40 PVC pipe was ran to the garage and up to the attic. The Festa Radon Fan was installed in the attic and vented through the garage. This system is unseen from the exterior of the home and only a vent pipe is seen on the hidden side of the roof. 

Radon Extraction Point

Here is a before and after showing the radon extraction point in the basement. Notice how our team was able to tuck it in the corner out of the way. 

Radon Extraction Point - Alto, MI

See the before and after photo of a radon extraction point. This ties into the drain tile system and creates negative pressure throughout the drain tile system. The radon gas follows the path of least resistance and is vented out and above the roof.

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Our Locations:

ALS Radon & Environmental, Inc.
9406 E K Ave Suite 3
Galesburg, MI 49053
Service Area
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